Metal E-Commerce
INVEX e-commerce, designed specifically for the metal industry, seamlessly integrates with the INVEX metal software, forming a robust combination. This powerful blend of INVEX ERP and a turn-key e-commerce software platform offers a genuine end-to-end solution for the metal service center’s customers, ensuring swift implementation with minimal setup.
INVEX e-commerce software empowers users to effortlessly search, filter, and handle a wide range of metal and steel products. Users can efficiently input quotes and orders, inspect inventory, add items to the cart, and approve the release of finished goods for shipments. With added branding features and APIs, the platform provides an extra layer of flexibility.
Instant online quotes & orders for customers
With Metal E-Commerce Software
View metal inventory
In the INVEX e-commerce platform, robust features empower metal service center customers to effortlessly browse and add items from available stock inventory or finished goods inventory to their carts.
Intuitive and fast
to use
Swift and intuitive, the inventory viewing feature allows customers to effortlessly search using industry-specific metal terms like ‘carbon angle’ or ‘stainless round’ within a user-friendly interface.
Just In Time (JIT) programs
For metal service centers with JIT programs where finished goods are produced in advance, customers can view their finished goods available on the metal service center’s shop floor using their specific customer part numbers, and select the finished good coil and sheet tags they want to have shipped to them.
Customers can:

Easy to navigate

Customer can quickly view their open quotes, orders, shipments, and invoices – all in easy to navigate screens. Customers can convert their quotes to an order and view their business documents including sales acknowledgements, quotes, packing slips, bill of lading, mill test certificates and invoices.

Flexible lookup function

To build a quote, customers can easily lookup products from your product catalog, and add them to their cart with standard or custom dimensions. Whether searching for an angle or stainless sheet, the flexible lookup function makes it easy for a metal service center’s customers to quickly find what they need.

Customer Part Numbers

For service centers with JIT programs where finished goods are produced in advance, customers can view their finished goods available on the metal service center’s shop floor using their specific customer part numbers, and select the tags they want to have shipped to them.